Kotlin vs Java: Which language is better for Android app development

October 16, 2021

Kotlin vs Java: Which language is better for Android app development

If you're an Android app developer or planning to become one, you're likely to face the question - Kotlin or Java? Both languages are used for Android app development, but what are the pros and cons of each? Let's dive into a comparison of Kotlin vs Java to help you make an informed decision.


Kotlin is a statically typed, cross-platform language developed by JetBrains, the company behind IntelliJ IDEA, one of the most popular Java IDEs. In 2017, Google announced Kotlin as a first-class language for Android development, alongside Java.


  • Less Code - Kotlin requires writing significantly less code than Java to achieve the same functionality. This translates into quicker development time and fewer bugs.
  • Null Safety - Kotlin has a type system that eliminates the dangers of null references, a common cause of crashes in Java code.
  • Interoperability - Kotlin is interoperable with Java, which means you can use Kotlin code in Java and vice versa. This makes migration to Kotlin easier and less disruptive.
  • Functional Programming - Kotlin supports functional programming concepts, such as higher-order functions and lambda expressions, which can lead to cleaner code and better performance.


  • Learning Curve - While Kotlin is similar to Java, the syntax can be different, especially for those new to programming.
  • Community - Kotlin is not as established as Java, so the community is smaller, and there are fewer resources available.
  • Compile Time - Because of its strict type checking, Kotlin can have longer compile times than Java.


Java has been the language of choice for Android development since the beginning. It's a class-based, object-oriented language that is easy to learn and widely used.


  • Widely Used - Java is the most widely used programming language in the world, which means there are more resources, books, and tutorials available.
  • Speed - Java is faster to compile and run than Kotlin, making it an ideal choice for app development on older devices.
  • Robust Ecosystem - Java has a robust ecosystem of libraries, tools, and frameworks that make app development faster and easier.


  • Verbose Code - Java requires more boilerplate code, which can lead to longer development times and increased chances of bugs.
  • Null Safety - Java does not have null safety, which can lead to NullPointerExceptions.
  • Design Issues - Java's class-based, inheritance-oriented design can constrain creativity and limit flexibility.


When it comes to choosing between Kotlin vs Java, there is no absolute winner. Kotlin is newer, more concise, and can lead to faster development times, while Java has a robust ecosystem and is widely used. Ultimately, the choice comes down to the particular requirements of the project, the team's expertise, and personal preferences.

We hope this comparison helps you make a decision on which language to choose for your Android app development project. Happy coding!


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